Denial of Short-Term Disability

Short term disability wrist broken in cast

Have you been denied short term disability benefits?  Does the insurance company not believe that you are totally disabled and eligible under your short-term disability policy? You may have ample documentation to support your claim for benefits including medical records and doctor notes, but the insurer continues to deny your claim for short term disability benefits.

A worker who has been denied short-term disability benefits has two options:

  1. The first option is to appeal the decision with the insurer. Typically, you can appeal up to 3 times, and each one must be done within 90 days of the decision (make sure to review the appeal deadline specified in the denial letter). It is important to note that unless your physician can provide significantly different documentation to support your claim, it may not the best choice to appeal the decision.
  2. The second option is to commence a lawsuit against the insurance company for wrongful denial of disability benefits. To achieve the best outcome, it is preferable to retain legal representation. This will take the stress off of you and allow you to focus on your recovery.

If your short-term disability application is denied, don’t waste time arguing in appeals with the insurer. Instead, you could hire Castagna Law who specializes in disability claims to assist you with going through the Court process. Be sure to act fast in consulting with us about your options given the insurer’s internal appeal deadlines and the legal limitation deadline of 2 years which will need to be considered.  At Castagna Law you are entitled to a free initial consultation with no obligation.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.